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Welcome to the Walberton & Binsted Parents & Teachers Association website

We hope this site will inform you about the PTA and how it plays an important role in supporting your child’s education.

WBPTA LogoThe PTA is always looking for more people to get involved and for new ideas! The more people who attend the regular PTA meetings the better, and this helps to achieve more for our children. The PTA appreciates all input, including new ideas/suggestions, helping out at school events or taking on a role in the PTA. However big or small, your help is needed for the PTA to have its continued success in supporting the school, staff and children.

Please come and get involved!

Big Project Fundraiser - Outdoor Classroom and Mindfulness/Sensory Garden

We are very excited about developing our wonderful environmental area in the school grounds as the next stage towards maintaining our Green Flag school status! We would like to create an Outdoor Learning Space and Mindfulness/ Sensory Garden. This will develop and nurture the whole child, and promote the importance and benefits of outside learning. It will support those children with sensory needs and provide us with an additional space to be at one with nature.

We hope to develop a mindfulness garden, most of this created using reclaimed and upcycled materials.

There will be:

  • outdoor seating using logs for outdoor learning
  • a barefoot sensory path with different textures
  • a wild flower meadow
  • scented and unscented flowers and vegetables

We can:

  • make wind chimes and bug hotels from reclaimed materials
  • make coloured streamers to add colour, sound and texture from recycled materials

Planting, growing and caring for nature is proven to aid good mental wellbeing in children and encourages a sense of inner calm and peace.
The project will require your support and will need a great deal of funding for the outdoor classroom structure. This could be used for science and many other outside learning opportunities across the curriculum.

The one that our Eco Team have seen and wish to purchase has its own solar and wind powered generator. It is made of wood with wooden benches and desks around the edge, it has flower boxes and a water butt so we can water the flowers within the mindfulness garden. For added protection it comes with roll down canvas panels to the windows and door.
The mindfulness garden will be accessible during play times and lunch times for children that wish to do some gardening or use the area.The outdoor classroom and garden will be used as part of our curriculum time and this will open up opportunities to develop Forest School Learning.

Please support us in Fundraising for this exciting new school project!

Wow, we could not be more grateful to everyone who has purchased from the Amazon gift list. The generosity has been quite overwhelming. The PTA, Mrs Brockhurst, the teachers and especially the Children would like to say a huge THANK YOU. The list is regularly updated with lots of great items. 
Walberton and Binsted School Amazon Wish List


Stamptastic offers a great way to name all your children's belongings and if you order a stamp from them and quote the unique code BN18 0PH. Stamptastic will donate 30% of the sale to the PTA. 

Stamptastic is a new fast way for naming all your belongings. It is a personalised stamp usable on fabric, metal, wood & some plastics. It means no more sewing or ironing on labels. No more losing your pencil case or P.E. kit. Now you can just stamp everything! Transparent block for accurate, easy positioning. Free P&P within the UK. The ink will last wash after wash.


*** our code 22063 ***
These are great name tags and stay on through the washing machine and dishwasher!
When ordering please quote our code to give the school a percentage. 


Please see the 'About the PTA' page for details on how PTA funds are spent.


PTA Meeting

We are always needing new ideas for fundraising to help our children.

If you have an idea, please email the PTA

PTA Events

PTA Meeting The next PTA meeting: Thursday 16th May at 2pm

Tea At The Pavillion