Tea @ The Park
Over £1000 from T@TP was raised in 2023!!
T@TP happens every Friday after school, during the Summer term and for the first half of the Autumn term. It is a social event thoroughly enjoyed by the children and adults of Walberton and Binsted CofE School. The PTA needs support for this weekly event to run, with cake donations and help setting up, serving and clearing up afterwards. Please see the rota below for when it is your turn to get involved.
Year 6 - Friday 19th April
Year 5 - Friday 26th April
Year 4 - Friday 10th May
Year 3 - Friday 17th May
Year 2 - Friday 24th May
Year 1 - Friday 7th June
Year R - Friday 21st June
Year 6 - Friday 28th June
School Council Charity Bake - Friday 12th July
If you would like to donate cakes, please leave them in the Studio in the morning or bring them to the cake sale at 2.45pm.
If you would like to help with the running of T@TP, when your child’s year group is listed on the rota, please arrive at the school at 2.45pm to help set up. Any help is very much appreciated! If you have any questions regarding T@TP, please speak to your class PTA representative.